Porto Flavia Private Guided Walking Tour from Masua Beach
Excursions & day trips

Porto Flavia Private Guided Walking Tour from Masua Beach

Free cancellation
Language: English, Italian, French
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Do this because
  • Get to know the mining history in depth
  • Walk inside the oldest rock in Europe
  • Visit an example of mining engineering unique in the World
What to expect

Porto Flavia is a spectacular place from many points of view and the absolute best place to go for those who want to know Sardinia better. It is an ancient (almost centenary) mining port built overlooking the sea, in a unique setting for the beauty of the rock and the crystalline sea below, a construction that looks like a fantasy castle suspended 20 meters from the water.

Visiting Porto Flavia and the area of the wonderful Masua beach with an exclusive tour guide allows you to enjoy the beauty of the place and get to know the mining history in depth.

First, visit Masua Beach and the ancient pier from 1915, with a splendid panoramic walk. Next, move towards the site of Porto Flavia (about 1 km), which tells the story of the miners who gave life to this wonder mining engineering. At the end, return on foot to Masua beach.

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What's included
  • check Use of equipment
  • check Helmet
  • check Multilingual guide
  • check Insurance
What's not included
  • x_not_included Entrance ticket

Spiaggia di Masua, Frazione Masua, Iglesias, Province of South Sardinia, Italy

Meeting point:
Meet at Masua Beach parking lot.
What to remember

Extra-fees to be paid on site:

  • Porto Flavia entrance ticket (discounts on the ticket and skip-the-line)

Know in advance:

  • The tour could be multilingual depending on the languages spoken by the participants

Remember to bring:

  • Comfortable shoes and a light jacket for the mine tunnel
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where Sardinia
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 72 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience


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